
  1. I. de las Heras, B. Klopsch. A. Thillaisundaram. Lower p-series of p-adic analytic groups and Hausdorff dimension, ArXiv: 2402.06876. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  2. Francesco De Giovanni, I. de las Heras, Marco Trombetti. On the lattice of closed subgroups of a profinite group, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 2024. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  3. I. de las Heras, Benjamin Klopsch, Andoni Zozaya. The degree of commutativity of wreath products with infinite cyclic top group, European Journal of Mathematics. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  4. I. de las Heras, Marialaura Noce, Gunnar Traustason. Powerful 3-Engel Groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2024. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  5. I. de las Heras, Matteo Pintonello, Pavel Shumyatsky. Strong conciseness of coprime commutators in profinite groups, Journal of Algebra, 2023. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  6. I. de las Heras, A. Thillaisundaram. The finitely generated Hausdorff spectra of a family of pro-p groups, Journal of Algebra, 2022. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  7. I. de las Heras, A. Thillaisundaram. A pro 2-group with full normal Hausdorff spectra, Journal of Group Theory, 2022. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  8. I. de las Heras, B. Klopsch. A pro-p group with full normal Hausdorff spectra, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2020. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  9. I. de las Heras, G. Traustason. Powerfully solvable and powerfully simple groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2021. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  10. I. de las Heras, M. Morigi. Lower central words in finite p-groups, Publicacions Matemàtiques, 2020. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  11. I. de las Heras. Commutators in finite p-groups with 3-generator derived subgroup, Journal of Algebra, 2019. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  12. G. Fernández-Alcober, I. de las Heras. Commutators in finite p-groups with 2-generator derived subgroup, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2019. (arXiveko bertsioa)
  13. I. de las Heras, A. Lucchini. Intersections of maximal subgroups in prosolvable groups,  Communications in Algebra, 2018. (arXiv-eko bertsioa)


  1. Some topics on finite p-groups and pro-p groups, doktoretza tesia. (Esteka)
  2. Intersections of maximal subgroups in finite soluble groups, master amaierako lana. (Esteka)
  3. Finite p-groups, gradu amaierako lana. (Esteka)


  1. I. de las Heras, A. Zozaya. Hausdorffen dimentsioa talde profinituetan, Ekaia. 2021. (Esteka)
  2. X. Diez, E. di Domenico, M. Epelde, I. de las Heras, M. Noce, A. Zozaya. Bilboko ibilaldi matematikoa - Paseo matemático por Bilbao,  DivulgaMAT, 2019. (Esteka)

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