
  1. AGTA 2023 (Lecce, Italy). Talk (invited): Hausdorff dimension in profinite groups.
  2. New Trends Around Profinite Groups (Levico, Italy). Talk: Powerfully solvable and powerfully simple groups.
  3. GAGTA: Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications online (Edinburgh, United Kingdom). Talk: Powerfully solvable and powerfully simple groups.
  4. 24 hours Ischia Group Theory (Salerno, Italy). Poster: Hausdorff dimension and Hausdorff spectra in pro-p groups.
  5. Ischia Online Group Theory Conference (Salerno, Italy), invited speaker. Talk: Hausdorff dimension and Hausdorff spectra in profinite group.
  6. Engel Conditions in Groups (Bath, United Kingdom). Talk: Lower central words in finite p-groups.
  7. UMI-SIMAI-PTM Joint Meeting (Wrocław, Poland). Talk:  Simple commutators in finite p-groups.
  8. Congreso Bienal de la RSME (Santander, Spain). Poster: Commutators in finite p-groups.
  9. XII Encuentro de Teoría de Grupos (Saragossa, Spain). Talk: Commutators in finite p-groups.
  10. Ischia Group Theory 2018 (Ischia, Italy). Poster: Commutators in finite p-groups.
  11. yGAGTA: young Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications (Leioa, Basque Country). Talk: Intersections of maximal subgroups in prosolvable groups.


Reading seminars.

  1. Bass-Serre theory. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: Trees and amalgams.
  2. Right-Angled Arting Groups. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: The word and conjugacy problems in RAAGs.
  3. Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: The face ring of a simplicial complex II.
  4. Discrete Groups, Expanding Graphs and Invariant Measures. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: Solution to Ruziewicz's problem for S^n, n ≥ 4.
  5. Superrigidity. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: Arithmetic groups.
  6. Congruence Subgroup Property. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: Metaplectic kernel I.
  7. Thompson's Groups. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: The group T.
  8. Group Cohomology. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: Products.
  9. Subgroup growth. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: The gap theorem for pro-p groups.
  10. Subgroup growth. University of the Basque Country. Talk: Groups of slow subgroup growth.

Other seminars

  1. University of Brasilia. Talk: The degree of commutativity in infinite groups
  2. University of Brasilia. Talk: Hausdorff dimension and Hausdorff spectra in profinite groups
  3. Autonomous University of Madrid (invited). Talk: Hausdorff dimension in profinite groups.
  4. University of Lincoln (invited). Talk: Hausdorff dimension and Hausdorff spectra in profinite groups.
  5. University of the Basque Country. Talk: Hausdorff dimension and Hausdorff spectra in profinite groups.
  6. University of Salerno. Talk: Lower central commutators in finite p-groups.
  7. University of Düsseldorf. Talk: Lower central words in finite p-groups.
  8. University of Padova. Talk: Commutators in finite p-groups.
  9. University of the Basque Country . Talk: Commutators in finite p-groups.
  10. University of the Basque Country . Talk: Words in groups.
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